Summer is finally here. When I was a driver, I always looked forward to summer. The summer months offered more opportunities to keep my truck looking good. Opportunities for exercising outside the truck and taking nice walks at a truck stop, a roadside nature trail, or while waiting at the shipper or receiver.
One trail that I really enjoyed was in Oregon on Hwy 58 on Willamette Pass. It was a trail I learned about while running with another driver. As she first told me, it’s very easy to pass if you’re not familiar with where it is, and she was right. Thankfully I was following her as she and her husband had stopped there many times before.
After parking our rigs in a wide spot on the side of the road, we hiked up to the mouth of the trail. Once on the trail, I could see the it lived up to the hype that she’d created since we left Fresno, CA.
The most breathtaking part was the waterfall at the end of the trail! If time permitted, I could’ve stayed there all day, looking at and listening to the sounds of the waterfall!
Needless to say, from that point on, anytime I loaded out of Southern California to the Pacific Northwest, I made a point to exit I-5 in Weed, CA and take US 97 north to Oregon 58, just to walk that trail (of course, weather permitting). It was so relaxing!
And you can’t think about summer without the thought of BBQ’s. Just because I was on the road the majority of the summer, didn’t mean that I couldn’t enjoy an occasional truck stop parking lot cookout, or perhaps, break out my own grill and do some grilling myself. There’s something about the smell of food cooking on a grill that attracts other drivers to your truck. Before you know it, you’re surrounded with wonderful folks and leave with new friends!
While listening to the various shows on RadioNemo, you’ll hear stories, tips and suggestions from our listeners on grilling, cooking, nice walking trails, how to keep your truck looking great and more. Be sure to tune in - the discussions are always interesting.
Photo by Niklas Weiss on Unsplash