Our TEam
It’s hard to separate RadioNemo from the original and legendary “Road Gang,” the pioneering radio show begun by Charlie Douglas dedicated solely to the professional over-the-road truck driver. That’s because Dave Nemo was part of the old “Road Gang” from its earliest days, and he’s kept the standards and traditions alive for almost 50 years.
Fast forward to 1998. That’s when Bill Hudgins, then editor of RoadKing, called Dave to tell him that “a cute couple” who wrote some trucking Christmas songs were on the cover. Bill asked if Dave would like to have them on the air and he said yes. Michael and MaryKay Burns were that couple. And with that, the wheels started turning and they haven’t stopped since.
RadioNemo remains a small, family-owned company with one goal: To serve the professional truck drivers of North America. Our truthful and helpful programs will keep you informed, aware, and proud of what you do and who you are. Add plenty of laughter, and you’ve got us pegged.
Our Hosts

Dave Nemo
President, On-Air Host
Dave Nemo grew up glued to the radio. He studied communications in college and was the campus station program director. That led to being hired for weekend work at WWL Radio in New Orleans in the winter of 1969. He’s proud of his service in the U.S. Army and was fortunate to be a radio host on AFKN in Seoul, South Korea. Back in New Orleans, his career in trucking radio began in the summer of 1972 when he joined Charlie Douglas and The Road Gang. Today, he’s honored to serve the men and women of the “Wonderful World of Trucking” across North America through SiriusXM. Dave says one of the best things he ever did was to start the St. Christopher Fund with his dear friends Michael Burns and Dr. John McElligott. Dave is honored to be on the Truckers Against Trafficking Board of Directors. He considers himself lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful team at RadioNemo. Dave plans to ride along with you for many miles to come.

Tim Ridley
On-Air Host
Tim Ridley was born in Tennessee and grew up in Georgia. With a trucking career that begins in 1984, Tim has been a small fleet owner and a driving school instructor along with holding several management positions. Tim is proud of his two million miles of safe driving (one million with a single company), his Ph.D. in Christian Education, and his service as a military chaplain. He now gives his time as a reserve police officer and board member for The St. Christopher Fund. Along with playing the sax and drums, Tim enjoys weightlifting, model railroading, camping, riding his motorcycle, and spending time with his family on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where they live.

Jimmy Mac
On-Air Host
Jimmy Mac is a native New Orleanian who has visited 49 states and called 4 of them home. Having worked in law enforcement, education, contracting, and the entertainment industry, he is now proud to be a member of the RadioNemo family. Jimmy loves that he gets paid to talk infrastructure, transportation, movies, books, and destinations on Dave Nemo Weekends and The Dave Nemo Show with people he adores. He would like to thank Boudreaux and Snake Pontchartrain for giving him this opportunity.